Changes in ComEd’s Net Metering Program: Reduced Benefits for New Solar Customers Starting 2025

Starting January 1, 2025, ComEd’s net metering program will undergo significant changes that will make it less beneficial for new solar customers. Currently, ComEd offers a 1-to-1 net metering system where customers receive full credit for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of excess energy sent to the grid, covering supply, delivery, and taxes.

solar panels

However, beginning in 2025, new solar installations will only receive credits for the supply and taxes portions of their bills, not for delivery. This change reduces the overall value of net metering credits by approximately 30% [What’s happening to solar power in Illinois in 2025? | Citizens Utility Board].

Technicians installing photovoltaic solar panels on roof of house.

Customers who install solar panels before the end of 2024 will be grandfathered into the current, more favorable program and will retain the full net metering benefits for the lifetime of their system, which is defined as 30 years [What’s happening to solar power in Illinois in 2025? | Citizens Utility Board].

Little girl with her dad holding paper model of house with solar panels, explaining how it works

For those considering solar, it is advisable to install and connect their systems before the end of 2024 to take advantage of the existing benefits

Act Now! Install Your Solar Panels Before December 31, 2024, to Lock in Full Net Metering Benefits. Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation.

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